Resources for Veterans

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Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Bio Repository Brain Bank

Desert Storm veterans and era veterans who enrolled in the Gulf War Veterans’ brain bank will need to complete surveys about their health every six months, and upon their death, donate their brain and other body tissue for future Gulf War research.

If you think that you might be interested in this generous after-death organ donation, the following information will explain what is involved for you and your family.  You may also download our informational brochure here

Click here for link to the Gulf War Veteran’s Illness brain bank where you can get more information.

The Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses or RAC-GWI was created by an Act of Congress in 1998.

The committee is governed by a Charter that is updated from time to time and is found on the Committee’s website. The guiding principle for the work of the Committee shall be the premise that the fundamental goal of Gulf War related government research is to improve the health of ill Gulf War veterans.

The Committee’s site not only has the past meetings minutes and veterans’ comments; but it is a source of some research.

This link will take you to their main page.

The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) is here to help you and your health care provider find you treatment for the illnesses and symptoms you are suffering from. It is not a place to do a nexus or other help with your claim. That is because they most likely do not have all of your STR. They are a great source for you and your doctor if your doctor does not know how to treat your symptoms or illnesses.

Your doctor can make a referral to the WRIISC from their VA computer.

The WRIISC does send out a newsletter for veterans and you can read it online.

Veterans Services

National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs (NASDVA)

If you are looking for a state with free taxes for veterans this is the link for you.

The National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs (NASDVA) is comprised of the State Directors and in some cases, Commissioners of Veterans Affairs in each state of the U.S. as well as the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.  Although each state is unique, with its own traditions, programs, and resources, we are united by our common goal to make a difference in the lives of our veterans.

DAV National Service Officers (NSOs)

You can count on the service from the DAV National Service Officers (NSOs) in all of the VA Regional Offices. DAV NSOs are highly trained, professional experts who have undergone comprehensive training program in veterans’ affairs. There are also Disabled American Veteran Department service officers (DSO) who are trained to help you and work under the DAV NSO in your state.

Your membership in the DAV helps pay for the service officers.

VFW Service Officer

VFW Service Officer can contact you to begin developing your case. Two key elements to a well-rounded claim include evidence that an injury, illness or disease occurred during your service and evidence of a current medical condition as a direct result.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

More than 750,000 people in the United States, including veterans, live with spinal cord injury or a spinal cord disease (SCI/D). Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) responds to their needs by supporting research, educational programs and other initiatives that unite people and activities toward a single mission: improved quality of life.

The State of Kansas leaders for the American Legion told me in 2010 that I could not place a link to the Legion’s National website for veterans to get help from them on this site. Sorry.